Friday, August 28, 2015

20 Facts About YouTube Advertising

  1. Every month, more than one billion people visit YouTube and watch over six billion hours of YouTube videos. These are a lot of potential customers. And you can decide where and when a video ad shows up and which of these potential customers see them.
  2. YouTube’s unique combination of video access, sharing, and community creates an opportunity for audience engagement that is unmatched.
  3. Sight, sound, and motion elicit an emotional and physical involvement with content among users that isn’t available in other forms of media.
  4. You can aid discovery and engagement with your video content (for example, shares, comments, and likes) by promoting your videos via YouTube advertising and hosting them in a curated home, or profile page, via YouTube channels.
  5. Video creators can also learn an enormous amount about their video assets’ viewership through a sophisticated set of measurement tools, including YouTube Analytics.
  6. Audience demographics, levels of engagement, and performance compared to similar videos are just a few examples of the data that’s available. Video creators can then use this data to drive larger and deeper viewership among a target audience.
  7. Video ads help you connect with potential customers in a unique and memorable way. You can be personal, share your expertise with the world, or put the camera on yourself and explain how your product or service can benefit your audience.
  8. You can show ads to the right people based on who they are, where they’re located, and what they’re interested in.
  9. With Ad Words for video, you pay when a viewer actively selects your video, or chooses to continue watching a video when it first loads as they browse video content.
  10. YouTube’s free analytics tool helps you understand who’s watching your ads and how people are interacting with them.
  11. YouTube is localized in 73 countries and across 61 languages.
  12. Advertisers don’t have to have video inventory to advertise on YouTube.
  13. YouTube supports a wide range of ad formats and targeting options.
  14. Using YouTube for your business can be a cost-effective way to grow it, if used regularly as part of your marketing strategy.
  15. 100 hours of video are uploaded every 60 seconds to YouTube.
  16. According to Nielsen, YouTube reaches more US adults aged 18-34 than any cable network.
  17. By utilising YouTube as part of your marketing strategy for your business, you’re also increasing the authority of your website.
  18. Re-purposing content you have already created is an effective form of content marketing, as you can reach an audience that will love that particular type of content.
  19. 80% of people who prefer to watch video with closed-captions enabled don’t have hearing impairments.
  20. Videos with a personal touch help to increase conversions. People buy from those they trust, and that trust is built by you relating to them on an emotional level.

This post was originally published here: 20 Facts About YouTube Advertising
Related article: Promotional Products? You Are At The Right Place!

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